Ordenar ofertas por:
A Coruña(401)
Ciudad Real(115)
Illes Balears(616)
La Rioja(172)
Las Palmas(457)
Santa Cruz de Tenerife(249)
Sin especificar(758)
Administración empresas(1.906)
Administración Pública(2)
Atención a clientes(811)
Calidad, producción, I+D(1.311)
Comercial y ventas(2.529)
Compras, logística y almacén(2.404)
Diseño y artes gráficas(140)
Educación y formación(66)
Finanzas y banca(53)
Informática y telecomunicaciones(990)
Ingenieros y técnicos(1.856)
Inmobiliario y construcción(932)
Marketing y comunicación(643)
Otras actividades(2.730)
Profesiones y oficios(1.264)
Recursos humanos(471)
Sanidad y salud(1.137)
Sector Farmacéutico(181)
Turismo y restauración(761)
Ventas al detalle(66)
Estudios mínimos:
Ciclo Formativo Grado Medio(160)
Ciclo Formativo Grado Superior(157)
Educación Secundaria Obligatoria(3.609)
Enseñanzas deportivas (regladas)(1)
Formación Profesional Grado Medio(935)
Formación Profesional Grado Superior(832)
Ingeniero Superior(236)
Ingeniero Técnico(49)
Otros cursos y formación no reglada(3)
Otros títulos, certificaciones y carnés(75)
Sin especificar(14.764)
Sin estudios(1.190)
Jornada laboral:
Intensiva - Indiferente(279)
Intensiva - Mañana(176)
Intensiva - Noche(29)
Intensiva - Tarde(58)
Parcial - Indiferente(2.369)
Parcial - Mañana(225)
Parcial - Noche(76)
Parcial - Tarde(86)
Sin especificar(6.402)
Tipo de contrato:
A tiempo parcial(90)
De duración determinada(2.889)
De relevo(11)
Fijo discontinuo(277)
Otros contratos(6.887)
Sin especificar(3.411)
Ver ofertas empleo

Ofertas de empleo de industrial mos

18 ofertas de trabajo de industrial mos

Administrativo/a facturación obras (Móstoles)
¿Tienes formación en Administración y experiencia en puestos administrativos/as? ¿Buscas un trabajo estable con el que puedas compatibilizar tu vida laboral y personal? Tenemos el empleo que estabas buscando!!!Comenzarás a trabajar en una empresa ubicada en la zona de Móstoles dedicada a las instalaciones frigorificas industriales y que desea incorporar una persona dentro del departamento administrativo para gestionar el control financiero en obrasTus funciones serán:Gestión de la facturación, revisión, validación, elaboración de facturas y pre-facturas, emisión y envío de las facturas a los clientes. Supervisar y mantener actualizados los registros financieros y la base de datos de clientes.Realizar conciliaciones periódicas entre contabilidad y cartera, así como el seguimiento de los flujos de efectivo.Colaborar con otros departamentos para resolver discrepancias en la facturación.Gestionar el cobro y seguimiento de impagos y la administración de cuentas por cobrar.Procesar y archivar documentos financieros de manera adecuada.Atender consultas de clientes y resolver problemas relacionados con la facturación.Apoyo al departamento administrativo laboral y al de cuentas a pagar.En Adecco creemos en la igualdad de oportunidades y apostamos por el Talento Sin Etiquetas
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
22.000€ - 22.000€ bruto/año
administrativo, contable
Operario/a Torno CNC
En TuEtt estamos buscando incorporar un/a Operario/a para torno CNC para formar parte del equipo de producción de uno de nuestros clientes, empresa dedicada al mecanizado industrial ubicada en Cartuja Baja, Zaragoza. Si buscas un nuevo reto profesional... ¡Te contamos más!¿Cuáles serán tus funciones?- Preparar y programar máquinas CNC, asegurando la correcta fabricación de las piezas requeridas.- Interpretar planos y aplicar conocimientos de tolerancias para garantizar la precisión del trabajo.- Seleccionar herramientas y colocarlas adecuadamente en la máquina.- Utilizar aparatos de control dimensional como micrómetros, pies de rey y alexómetros para verificar la calidad de las piezas.- Participar en el mantenimiento básico de la maquinaria.- Adaptarse a turnos rotativos, mostrando flexibilidad y compromiso.¿Qué esperamos de ti?- Experiencia demostrable de al menos 3-5 años en un puesto similar.- Conocimientos de programación con FANUC (valorable experiencia en Manual Guide).- Habilidad para interpretar planos y manejar tolerancias en el mecanizado.- Capacidad para trabajar en equipo, aportando ideas y soluciones.- Carnet de conducir (deseable coche propio).¿Qué te ofrecemos?- Contrato estable con jornada completa.- Paquete retributivo competitivo, negociado según tu valía y conocimientos.Si crees que este es tu rol y que las responsabilidades descritas son lo que estás buscando, ¡inscríbete en la vacante, tenemos ganas de conocerte!
Jornada completa
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
operario-metal, tornero
Operario/a Limpieza Producción
¿Te gustaría formar parte de una compañía líder en el sector de la alimentación? En Adecco estamos buscando Especialistas de Limpieza industrial para incorporarse en una gran empresa de alimentación. Funciones:Limpieza mediante carros satélites portátiles , uso de productos químicos .Mantener el área de trabajo limpia y aseada en todo momentos según las reglas básicas de higiene y seguridad alimentaria.Puesta en marcha y paro de maquinaria , cintas y otros elementos de la línea para poder efectuar la limpieza de manera correcta .Utilizar las herramientas de limpieza como mangueras de presión , escobas , haraganes , cepillos o trapos y productos químicos para alcanzar el nivel de limpieza requerido.Montaje de maquinaria y almacenaje de todo el material de limpieza para poder llevar a cabo el arrancado de las líneas. Colocar las rejillas y protecciones de máquinas /equipos en caso de que hubiera necesitado quitarlos. Tendrás la oportunidad de aprender, desarrollarte y mostrar toda tu valía, dentro de un equipo de trabajo cercano, familiar y muy cualificado.En Adecco creemos en la igualdad de oportunidades y apostamos por el Talento Sin Etiquetas.
Jornada parcial - indiferente
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Researcher with Expertise in Processes for the Printed Electronics Line

CIDETEC Surface Engineering is looking to recruit an expert in processes for printed electronics / in-mould electronics to join its Nanosurfaces Unit, which develops functional coatings and materials and processes for printed electronics, addressing major challenges to meet industrial demands and European programmes, while maintaining a focus on sustainability.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

CIDETEC is an international leader in research and innovation related to surface engineering in the fields of Coatings and Surface Treatments, Polymers and Composites, and Nanosurfaces. We specialise in the treatment of surfaces and materials with state-of-the-art technologies. The researcher will work in activities related to the development of training and industrial R&D projects, in close contact with the most prominent companies in sectors such as aeronautics, automotive and energy.

Your contribution

You will join a cutting-edge research centre, focused on sustainability and the circular economy, which has spent years understanding and revolutionising the surfaces of things, from those we touch every day in our homes or in our vehicles, to the most demanding materials for sectors such as aeronautics and energy.

You will work on training and/or company transfer projects, carrying out your work in such a way that you are able to pursue several lines of research simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

Your work will focus on the following activities:

  • Management and planning/implementation of R&D projects.
  • Direct interaction with clients.
  • Reinforcement and promotion of the printed electronics research line.
  • Analysis of results, drafting reports and preparing presentations.
  • Preparation of proposals for applying for R&D funding in regional, national and European calls.

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work with teams at the very highest level in local, national and European settings.
  • Work-life balance initiatives
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees
Jornada completa
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
International Direct Commodity Buyer

Our client is one of the leading and most innovative companies in developing and producing high-tech components made of polyurethane foams and EPP in Europe. They have 6 sites in Europe where around 2,000 colleagues work in a team-oriented, open, and honest culture, where we seek new ideas and actively encourage talent.

To strengthen the European Corporate Purchasing Team we are searching for Indirect Commodity Buyers with Europe-wide responsibility for direct and indirect purchasing. You will be based at and work from our site in SAN, MLD or BB.


Your responsibilities

  • Responsibility for several categories related to commodity material across our main plants and office locations in Europe.
  • Development and implementation of purchasing strategies.
  • Execution of tenders, price and contract negotiations using appropriate e-procurement tools and techniques.
  • Supplier nominations in close cooperation with the relevant corporate departments and the production plants.
  • Identification and achievement of savings opportunities.
  • Strategy deployment and implementation of frame contracts in the production plants.

What distinguishes you

  • Completed degree in technical or business administration or similar qualification
  • Several years of professional experience in direct purchasing in an industrial international environment, with strong knowledge in the areas of cost and market analysis.
  • Strong negotiation and communication skills
  • High level of commitment, hands-on mentality, and ability to work under pressure as well as intercultural competence and willingness to occasionally travel
  • Business fluent in English, good German/Polish/Czech language skills would be a plus
  • Proficient in SAP and MS Office, knowledge of e-procurement tools

What we offer

  • Unlimited employment contract
  • Employer contribution to company pension scheme or life insurance
  • Flexible hours
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Comercial Junior – Sector Industrial (H/M/X)
Comercial Junior – Sector Industrial
¿Posees un perfil comercia, dinámica y polivalente? Si te apasiona el ámbito comercial y la orientación al cliente y  estás buscando un proyecto en el que desarrollarte profesionalmente, ¡Esta es tu oportunidad!
Como Comercial Junior, comenzarás un proceso de formación y aprendizaje de aproximadamente un año en nuestras instalaciones. Durante este período, realizarás diferentes funciones de apoyo, tales como:
  • Gestión en el almacén
  • Atención telefónica a clientes
  • Ventas en el mostrador
  • Formación específica de nuestros productos y portafolio.
  • Persona con inquietudes, dinámica y polivalencia.
  • Conocimientos básicos de Ofimática (Office)
  • Valorable conocimiento de componentes mecánicos
  • Capacidad para trabajar en equipo
  • Disponibilidad para incorporación inmediata
  • Jornada laboral completa
  • Salario base: 21.500 € anuales + Bonus de hasta 2.000 € revisable tras el periodo de formación
  • Formación continuada dentro de la empresa
¡Esperamos tu candidatura!
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
21.500€ - 21.500€ bruto/año
Tens experiència en I+D? Tens ganes de desenvolupar-te en la Indústria de la Cosmètica?Aquesta oferta és per a tu!Estem buscant una persona per la posició de Tècnic/a de laboratori de I+D per una important empresa del sector de la cosmètica a Vilamalla.Quines tasques realitzaràs?- Reportar a Direcció Tècnica.- Gestionar el Departament d'I+D.- Assegurar el compliment de les condicions especials de formulació acordades amb els clients.- Coordinar la implantació industrial de nous productes i processos de producció.- Crear els procediments, sistemes i registres necessaris per a la millora en la gestió, control i avaluació del laboratori de I+D.- Renovar la mostroteca i elaborar producte en el laboratori.- Desenvolupar, dissenyar i aprovar les fórmules de nous productes i modificar els vigents.- Responsabilitzar-te del dossier tècnic dels productes i la gestió d'aquestes dades en el sistema.- Col·laborar amb Marketing en l'elaboració de briefing, plantejant el disseny i assegurant el compliment dels requisits, controlant el timing del desenvolupament i el cost de la fórmula.- Homologar proveïdors de matèries primeres i aconsellar sobre la font de subministrament.- Supervisar la contractació i control dels Serveis Externs del laboratori I+D.- Participar en reunions comercials amb clients.- Proposar i justificar les inversions amb l'objectiu d'aconseguir el progrés del departament. Realitzar, controlar i gestionar el pressupost del teu departament.- Sol·licitar la realització d'anàlisis internes de control.- Fer suport a la gestió de qualitat.Requisits:- Estudis en Farmàcia o Químico/a.- Màster en formulació cosmètica valorable.- Experiència prèvia en tasques similars.- Coneixements de laboratori, formulació i I+D.- Experiència en la indústria de la cosmètica valorable.Què oferim?- Contracte estable directament per empresa.- Horari central de dilluns a divendres.Si creus que encaixes en el perfil,apunta't!
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
20.000€ - 25.000€ bruto/año

Buscamos operarios/as de confeccion industrial para fábrica de confección en Móstoles.
Las funciones del puesto son las siguientes:

  • Confección industrial (maquinas industriales de confeccion, recta remalladora...)
  • Manipulación industrial.

- Experiencia en confeccion y / o patronaje industrial (Se hará prueba)
- Disponibilidad para trabajo en turnos

Jornada completa
Contrato de duración determinada
Salario sin especificar
Comercial interno

Seleccionamos un/a comercial interno para incorporación estable en la delegación de Tarragona de compañía nacional especializada en recambios de vehículo industrial.


  • Atender las necesidades de los clientes en mostrador y telefónicamente:
    • Asesorar sobre el producto y marca que necesitan
    • Buscar el producto en el almacén
    • Elaborar presupuestos y albaránes de pedidos.
    • Registrar en el programa interno los precios ofrecidos al Cliente para homogeneizar los mismos
    • Derivar la llamada al Departamento que corresponda
  • Atender comerciales externos realizando los pedidos telefónicamente y las dudas que surjan
  • Coordinar con Logística la entrega de los pedidos en plazo establecido con el Cliente.
  • Apoyar a otros Departamentos en relación a la preparación y salida de material, asesoramientos en materiales de frenos, limpieza…

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar

Si tienes formacion y/o experiencia en corte ¡esta es tu oportunidad!

Buscamos Cortadora para fabrica de produccion en Móstoles.

¿Que haras en tu dia a dia?

  • Uso de maquinas industriales de corte.
  • Corte y confeccion de productos.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Reasercher for the Monitoring of Degradation Phenomena Area

CIDETEC Surface Engineering is looking for a person to join Coatings and Surface Treatments Unit, to reinforce the line of degradation phenomena monitoring with non-destructive techniques, addressing major challenges to respond both to industrial demands and European programmes.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

CIDETEC is an international leader in research and innovation related to surface engineering in the fields of Coatings and Surface Treatments, Polymers and Composites, and Nanosurfaces. We specialise in the treatment of surfaces and materials with state-of-the-art technologies. The researcher will work in activities related to the development of R&D projects focused both in basic research and industrial development in close contact with the most prominent companies in sectors such as aeronautics, automotive and energy.

Your contribution

You will join a cutting-edge research centre, focused on sustainability and circular economy, which has spent years understanding and revolutionising the surfaces of components, from those we touch every day in our homes or our vehicles, to the most demanding materials for sectors such as aeronautics and energy.

You will work on research and/or company transfer projects, carrying out your work in such a way that you are able to pursue several research lines simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

Your work will focus on the following activities:

  • Reinforcement and promotion of the monitoring of degradation phenomena line.
  • Management and implementation of R&D projects.
  • Analysis of results, drafting reports and preparing presentations.
  • Direct interaction with clients.
  • Writing of scientific articles
  • European, national and regional proposals preparation

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work together with teams at the very highest local, national and European level.
  • Professional work-personal life balance measures,
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Researcher for the Ceramic Coatings Area

CIDETEC Surface Engineering is looking for a person to join Coatings and Surface Treatments Unit, for the development of ceramic coatings and enamels with high resistance to extreme environments, tackling major challenges to respond to both industrial demands and European programmes.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

CIDETEC is an international leader in research and innovation related to surface engineering in the fields of Coatings and Surface Treatments, Polymers and Composites, and Nanosurfaces. We specialise in the treatment of surfaces and materials with state-of-the-art technologies. The researcher will work in activities related to the development of R&D projects focused both in basic research and industrial development in close contact with the most prominent companies in sectors such as aeronautics, automotive and energy.

Your contribution

You will join a cutting-edge research centre, focused on sustainability and circular economy, which has spent years understanding and revolutionising the surfaces of components, from those we touch every day in our homes or our vehicles, to the most demanding materials for sectors such as aeronautics and energy.

You will work on research and/or company transfer projects, carrying out your work in such a way that you are able to pursue several research lines simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

Your work will focus on the following activities:

  • Reinforcement and promotion of the coatings for extreme environments research line
  • Management and implementation of R&D projects.
  • Analysis of results, drafting reports and preparing presentations.
  • Direct interaction with clients.
  • Writing of scientific articles
  • European, national and regional proposals preparation

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work together with teams at the very highest local, national and European level.
  • Professional work-personal life balance measures,
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Researcher with Expertise in Paints for the Functional Coatings Line

CIDETEC Surface Engineering is looking to recruit an expert in paints formulation/modification and analysis to join its Nanosurfaces Unit, which develops functional coatings, addressing major challenges to meet industrial demands and European programmes, while maintaining a focus on sustainability.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

CIDETEC is an international leader in research and innovation related to surface engineering in the fields of Coatings and Surface Treatments, Polymers and Composites, and Nanosurfaces. We specialise in the treatment of surfaces and materials with state-of-the-art technologies. The researcher will work in activities related to the development of training and industrial R&D projects, in close contact with the most prominent companies in sectors such as aeronautics, automotive and energy.

Your contribution

You will join a cutting-edge research centre, focused on sustainability and the circular economy, which has spent years understanding and revolutionising the surfaces of things, from those we touch every day in our homes or in our vehicles, to the most demanding materials for sectors such as aeronautics and energy.

You will work on training and/or company transfer projects, carrying out your work in such a way that you are able to pursue several lines of research simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

Your work will focus on the following activities:

  • Management and planning/implementation of R&D projects.
  • Direct interaction with clients.
  • Reinforcement and promotion of the functional coatings research line.
  • Analysis of results, drafting reports and preparing presentations.
  • Preparation of proposals for applying for R&D funding in regional, national and European calls.

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work with teams at the very highest level in local, national and European settings.
  • Work-life balance initiatives
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees
Jornada completa
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Researcher with Expertise in Inks for the Printed Electronics Line

CIDETEC Surface Engineering is looking to recruit an expert in ink formulation/modification and analysis to join its Nanosurfaces Unit, which develops functional coatings and materials and processes for printed electronics, addressing major challenges to meet industrial demands and European programmes, while maintaining a focus on sustainability.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

CIDETEC is an international leader in research and innovation related to surface engineering in the fields of Coatings and Surface Treatments, Polymers and Composites, and Nanosurfaces. We specialise in the treatment of surfaces and materials with state-of-the-art technologies. The researcher will work in activities related to the development of training and industrial R&D projects, in close contact with the most prominent companies in sectors such as aeronautics, automotive and energy.

Your contribution

You will join a cutting-edge research centre, focused on sustainability and the circular economy, which has spent years understanding and revolutionising the surfaces of things, from those we touch every day in our homes or in our vehicles, to the most demanding materials for sectors such as aeronautics and energy.

You will work on training and/or company transfer projects, carrying out your work in such a way that you are able to pursue several lines of research simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

Your work will focus on the following activities:

  • Management and planning/implementation of R&D projects.
  • Direct interaction with clients.
  • Reinforcement and promotion of the printed electronics research line.
  • Analysis of results, drafting reports and preparing presentations.
  • Preparation of proposals for applying for R&D funding in regional, national and European calls.

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work with teams at the very highest level in local, national and European settings.
  • Work-life balance initiatives
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees
Jornada completa
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Peò/an fàbrica
Únete a nuestro equipo en Zania Group!Con más de cuatro décadas de experiencia, Zania Group es líder en la fabricación y comercialización de mobiliario de madera de alta gama. Especializados en productos a medida, nuestra firma se distingue por un enfoque centrado en la calidad y la atención personalizada al cliente. Con sede en Navàs (Barcelona) y un cautivador showroom en Manresa, extendemos nuestra influencia a toda Cataluña, Baleares y Andorra.NUESTRO CANDIDATO IDEAL¿Eres un Peón industrial con experiencia en montaje de mobiliario de alta gama? ¿Posees habilidades avanzadas en el manejo de herramientas? Además, ¿Te apasiona trabajar en proyectos exclusivos, mostrando meticulosidad, atención al detalle y compromiso con la excelencia en cada trabajo? ¡Entonces, queremos conocerte!NUESTRO DÍA A DÍAEn tu día a día en Zania Group, serás responsable del montaje e instalación de mobiliario de madera de alta gama en proyectos exclusivos. Trabajarás en estrecha colaboración con nuestro equipo de diseño y producción, utilizando tus habilidades en el manejo de herramientas y trabajo en equipo para garantizar la ejecución impecable de cada proyecto. Tu labor incluirá la preparación de materiales y la instalación precisa de cada componente. Además, te encargarás del acabado final, asegurando la satisfacción total del cliente.¿QUÉ BUSCAMOS?¿Qué requerimos de ti? Experiencia previa como Peon en fabrica.Deberás ser meticuloso, detallista y tener habilidades para trabajar en equipo. Valoramos positivamente tu experiencia en el manejo de herramientas. Es indispensable poseer carnet de conducir.Además, esperamos un alto compromiso con la calidad y el servicio al cliente.TUS BENEFICIOS¿Qué te ofrecemos? La oportunidad de formar parte de un equipo dinámico y apasionado en un entorno de trabajo estimulante. Una retribución competitiva acorde a tu experiencia y habilidades, con posibilidad de desarrollo profesional. La oportunidad de trabajar en proyectos emocionantes y desafiantes, con el respaldo de una empresa reconocida en el sector.Si te identificas con nuestro perfil y estás listo para unirte a un equipo comprometido con la excelencia, ¡esperamos tu candidatura en Zania Group!
Jornada intensiva - mañana
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Robotics Researcher - Autonomous Navigation


The Robotics and Automation Unit of Eurecat Technology Center (Barcelona) is looking for a highly motivated researcher to work in Autonomous Navigation for Ground Mobile Robots, with relevant experience in path planning and SLAM. The candidate will work with different challenges involving autonomous operations in agriculture, logistics, healthcare, advanced manufacturing and others. We are looking for candidates with good level of software development for robotics solutions (including ROS/ROS2), preferably with experience with robotics platforms and field experiments.

Overall, the robotics group is specialized in applied research and development on Service and Industrial Robotics. Our objective is to increase the level of robot autonomy and intelligence to enable more complex robotics behaviours. We focus on the following topics: aerial and terrestrial autonomous navigation, industrial robotics, manipulation, human-robot cooperation, perception, cognition, and robot behavior.

Over the last 15 years, our group has developed extensive experience in solutions and developments for our industrial and service private customers, as well as in several of the most successful European and Spanish projects in robotics.? Check out our research lines and projects website:


We are a team of energetic young people passionate about robotics. Come join us!


The main responsibilities will focus on the scientific contribution and technological developments including:

  • Participate in the definition and development of new concepts and robotic ideas.
  • Scientific contribution to the advances of the projects.
  • Software development, validation and maintenance of good quality (product oriented) applied research.
  • Sporadic support/supervision to robot integration, field trials and robot maintenance
  • Participate in scientific publications.
  • Support to project management to ensure proper project execution.
  • Establish and maintain contact with clients and partners in consortium.

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Robotics Engineer Researcher


The Robotics and Automation Unit of Eurecat Technology Center (Barcelona) is looking for a highly motivated Robotics engineer with special interest in applied R&D. This specific vacancy is seeking people with passion for robotics, software and artificial intelligence regardless the amount of experience and age.

We need candidates with good level of Software development for robotics solutions (including ROS) and a particular interest in specializing and developing a career in some of this research challenges (HRI, planning, learning, navigation, manipulation, perception, etc)

Our group is specialized in applied research and development on Service and Industrial Robotics. Our objective is to increase the level of robot autonomy and intelligence to enable more complex robotics behaviours. Our projects cover a wide range of robotics topics and sectors such as advanced manufacturing, field robotics (agriculture and others), logistics, healthcare, inspection and maintenance, etc.

Over the last 15 years, our group has developed extensive experience in solutions and developments for our customers, as well as in several of the most successful European and Spanish projects in robotics. Check out our research lines and projects website:


We are a team of energetic young people passionate about robotics. Come join us!


The main responsibilities will focus on the scientific contribution and technological developments including:

  • Research and development of the projects
  • Software development, validation and maintenance of good quality (product-oriented) applied research
  • Participate in the definition and development of new concepts and robotic ideas
  • Sporadic support/supervision to robot integration, field trials and robot maintenance
  • Participate in scientific publications
  • Support to project management to ensure proper project execution
  • Establish and maintain contact with clients and partners in consortiums


Our laboratory is located in Cerdanyola del Vallès, in the outskirts of Barcelona city (Spain). Barcelona besides being easily connected to the rest of Europe, provides a great quality of life and a great robotics ecosystem full of initiatives, research groups, robotics companies and interesting events. And many more to come!

And …

  • Permanent contract
  • Hybrid work (home office/ work in the office)
  • Flexible Schedule
  • Shorter workday on Friday and Summer Schedule
  • Flexible remuneration package (health insurance, transport, lunch, studies – training, kindergarten and renting)
  • Eurecat workers can join the Eurecat Academy courses
  • Eurecat workers can attend to our weekly thematic sessions to be aware of Eurecat areas of knowledge.
  • Language’s training (English, Catalan and Spanish)
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Àrea manager
Desde ISPROX seleccionem un Àrea Manager per important empresa del sector de l'alimentació a Berga.Funcions:- Confecció d’ofertes segons les indicacions dels clients.- Realitzar pressupostos de vendes i la anàlisis.- Definir i proposar productes nous i/o modificacions dels existents, en funció de les necessitats dels clients o millores.- Gestió de les comptes comercials industrials assignades, així com les gestions de mostres i arxiu al ERP.- Potenciar el desenvolupament de comptes estratègiques, generar noves oportunitats de negoci tant en prospecció com en venda creuada.- Estar informat i traslladar els esdeveniments d’interès de la zona.- Col·laborar amb el departament de màrqueting sobre les característiques dels productes i propostes.- Desenvolupar nous canals de venda (online, etc)Se ofrece- Estabilitat laboral- Bon ambient de treball- Jornada completa- Salari: Entre 20k-30k segons vàlua del candidat.
Jornada completa
Contrato de duración determinada
20.000€ - 30.000€ bruto/año